Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fall Ball!

I totally missed the boat on Fall ball this year. Registration ended a week ago and I completely forgot about it. So, I called today and luckily was able to sign him up and get our favorite coach again. So, I called the team mom to tell her we signed up. Guess when the first practice is? Yep, today! That shouldn't be a problem except for Austin brought home his first homework assignment tonight AND I hhad no idea where his bat bag was. Luckily, I remembered Steve having it so I'm going to go get it in a few. Practice from 6-8... on a school night... for a 5 year old. I bet we are grumpola in the morning! Hopefully we will get the schedule tonight and I can plan things a little bit better.

1 comment:

FireWife425 said...

Hope fall ball practice went well!