Friday, September 18, 2009

Southern Savers | Week 3

I promise I'll post something of other interest soon. A ton of people have called/emailed asking how I do this so I'm hoping that I can inspire others to save and be a bit more frugal as well. Hey, its free money! You might as well save it!

This week I spent more OOP that I'd liked to have but oh well. I got a ton of stuff! Some things Publix PAID ME to take out of their store. That's incredible. Some things were necessities that we had to have that there were no coupons/sales for. I bet you if I could have cut out 5-7 items that we needed but were not on sale or had coupons my percentage of savings would go up 15-20%-- that's a huge difference! It pays to shop smart!

This is what I got this week...

2 liter diet Pepsi
2 liter mt. dew
2 liter dr. pepper
2 V8 Splash Drinks
Gallon Milk
Gallon Hawaiian Punch
2 containers sour cream
2 bags chicken fries
1 bag meatballs
Dozen Eggs
Softsoap Body Wash
Pillsbury Pancakes
24 ct. Eggo waffles
4 tubes of Pringles
2 pounds bananas
3 Kraft Mac & Cheese
6 pk Danimals Yogurt
5 boxes fruit snacks
8ct Publix Brand Poptarts
4 ct box light bulbs (One of those over priced necessities!)
2 bottles glass plus
6 cans Del Monte Veggies
2 oz Glade Soy Candle (Paid me to take it!)
10 oz Glade Soy Candle (Paid me to take it!)
Loaf Sandwich bread
Loaf Sourdough bread
2 boxes Quaker Instant Grits
4 boxes Quaker Granola Bars
5 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts
Oscar Myer Smoked Ham
Water Bottle for Austin
Fountain Drink (I was drying of thirst so I bought it. $1.79 for it. Insane! I bought 2- 2 liters for that price!)

My total out of pocket (OOP) was $63.66 plus tax for a total of $71.49. The total cost before sales/coupons was $161.23. That is a savings of $89.74 or 56%!

1 comment:

Manda said...

That rocks. I knew you could do it. I am loving Publix and Southern Savers! I wish we had a Food Lion nearby.