Saturday, March 13, 2010

Becoming farmers



Austin must have learned about healthy foods at school because he came home on a kick to grow carrots. When we got to the garden center, something completely different happened. We bought 20 something different kinds of seeds and some little makeshift greenhouses. We've had them for a week or so and just had the time to plant them today. I'm so impatient that I'm already looking at them thinking something is going to have spouted. Not so much. Mot of them say 10-14 days but I'm hoping for sooner. I'm such an instant gratification girl. Anyway, we planted 72 pods of herbs and veggies and 72 pods of Spring flowers. I hope that they, at least some of them, make it to the transplant! We planted carrots, peas, jalapenos, onions, watermelons, cucumber, basil, thyme, dill and cilantro. We also grew several kinds of zinnias, cosmos, snapdragons and several other things I can't pronouce or spell. I hope in 60 days I have a photo of a beautiful flower arrangement fresh out of the garden.
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