Friday, May 21, 2010

Kindergarten Program


This thing was all top secret. I knew they had been practicing songs for it and Austin would only sing me 3 of the 4. I kept asking about the secret song and even tried to trick him into singing it for me. I hate surprises when I know they are coming. He wouldn't budge. He told me he couldn't tell me but that I would cry, and I quote "tears of joy" when I heard it. Turns out, he was right! So, I get to the cafeteria and look at the program they handed out at the door first thing to see what the secret song was. It was "What a wonderful world." Austin and I sing that song all the time after he heard it on a movie. It was so sweet. They sang the first 3 songs and I held it together pretty good. Then the music comes on and they start signing the song... the whole entire song. I tried really hard to blink through the tears teared up about half way through. It was the sweetest thing. My baby is growing up. I can't believe he's starting 1st grade soon. Just a few months ago it seems (School years seemed to last eternities when I was in school and now it feels like it was just a few weeks ago!) he was starting school and barely knew his letters and their sounds and now he can read great, add, subtract and knows a whole world of stuff that amazes me everyday! I'm so proud of my little guy. He's the most awesome thing I've ever known!

The video is in the last post!
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