Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Olive Garden


This summer I've been trying to do as many fun things with Austin as I can fit into the schedule since this is the first summer I've ever really gotten to spend with him not working 50-60 hours a week. So the other day, he & Madison (his friend that I keep during the summer) were chanting "Olive Garden" right after they finished breakfast so I obliged and took them. I was laughing on the inside because I was sitting there envisioning him on his first date, taking a cute little girl to the Olive Garden for dinner. That's the first place Damon and I went (I think) for dinner when we started dating. They played tic-tac-toe and fought over who got the croutons out of the bowl for the majority of the time. I have a feeling his first date will be very very different!
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