Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day!





First, I must say, I am giving myself a pat on the back for having posted pictures of an event in less than 24 hours. I'll wait while you congratulate me too! Ok, so I am so thankful that we finally got a decent snow. Austin and I both were going to need therapy if the snow was predicted one more time only to get 7 flurries. We decided to stay at my moms because she has a 4WD in case it got ugly and she stockpiles enough food to feed the army for at least a few years. Seemed pretty safe to me! We played in the snow until my fingertips were completely numb. After we warmed up a bit, Damon finally was able to leave work and come help us build our snowman. After we got done with that, I was trying to play snowman chiropractor and straighten him up a bit and I busted his head in half so we have to give him a little nip tuck and fix him back. I think after a couple hours we had enough and went in to warm up by the fire my mom built for us. Gotta love a wood burning fireplace in the winter! Once all the kids were situated, my mom and Damon taught me how to play Texas Hold'em and I apparently caught on pretty quickly, or I bluff really well. I won all their chips 3 times! We had a great day, and don't get me wrong, I definitely love the snow, but I can totally see why people who live in the North are sick of it!
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