Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ball game + All-Star Nomination



I don't think we are going to know what we will do with our time once ball season is over. We have our last game tomorrow night at 6:00 and we are playing one of the best teams. It's bittersweet. We've had a pretty rocky year having a first time coach but Austin has had a ton of fun and we've made some great new friends.

I was told last night that he's being nominated for the All-Star draft if I agree to it. I would love for him to play, but it's very expensive and a huge commitment. Austin is a good little ball player, don't get me wrong, but there is some incredible talent at GDHY. I was told that they will have practice 6 days a week for several weeks on top of traveling to games for several weeks. Is it terrible of me to not want him to play? I think it would be a great learning experience for him but he's been playing so hard and now its finally time that we can enjoy our summer and I feel like we'd be committing another month to non-stop baseball. I don't know... Even if I sign the permission form, he's not guaranteed to make the draft, but if he does, we are committed to it. I don't know what to do. I have to let them know by tomorrow night so we will see!
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