Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Alabama Adventure with the family


We went back to AA (Not the alcoholics place, I'm just too tired to type all that out, but now I just realized that I could have already typed all that out by now- ugh!) and the kids had a blast. Kylie has seemingly mastered the Granny Float. I remember as a kid Granny would float in the pool amongst dozens of grand kids chicken fighting and playing beauty shop and never move a muscle. Braden is fearless going down the slides head first. That kid is tough as nails. Kylie got to ride the log-ride this time. Apparently she wasn't 36" 2 weeks ago, but now she is, go figure! Alex and Austin rode the log ride with me so I didn't have to look like "that" girl, you know, the one you think is sorts kinda weird because she's riding rides alone? Nana left her keys in the restroom but luckily, some angel returned them to lost and found and didn't steal our ride home. Thank you to whoever you are!
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