In August, we had HES Skate Night. Austin put on a pair of skates for the first time in his life and it went better than I expected. Many falls, but no ER visits, so we will call it a success.

We played Fall Baseball and had a great season. Austin moved up to Farm league and did really well and learned a ton. We had an awesome coach!

During Spirit Week, he dressed up as the principal, complete with bald cap and all. On Friday, I took beads and hair paint so Mrs. Short's class could be decked out for Spirit Day!

Labor Day we went to visit my family in Mississippi. We had a great time, tons of relaxing and REALLY good food!

Austin was the September Good Citizen. We are so proud of him!

Austin's class took a field trip to the zoo.

In October, Kylie had a super fun party at Pump-it-Up! Austin loves that place. I think it smells a little funny.

We made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

On October 23rd, we had our first annual Pumpkin Carving Party. All the kids (and adults) scooped out the pumpkin guts and carved some really great pumpkins then heard the Pumpkin Parable before dinner.

After carving the pumpkins and having dinner, we played a ton of games and Damon even volunteered for the pie toss victim. Then Austin wanted a go behind it too!

We went Trick-or-Treating at my grandmother's house again where we got 10 pounds of candy loot.

Then on Halloween night, we went to the First Baptist Fall Festival. It was a lot of fun too!

To kick off November, we had lunch at school with Austin for the Holiday lunch.

Then Alex had her Backyard Movie birthday party and we danced the night away on Just Dance for the wii.

We did celebrate Thanksgiving with my dad and step-mom's family, but apparently my camera didn't celebrate with us :(
Then in December, we had our family photos taken at Tannehill. We got there early so I could get some shots of Austin and 10 frames into the shoot, he lost his first tooth. Almost every photo taken after that, he has his tongue pushed through the new opening!

Then we had Christmas at Granny's house. We waited for the parade to come by to watch it, then we opened gifts!

Last Thursday, We had Austin's school party where he got to draw for a gift and he won Candyland. You would have thought he won an all expenses paid trip to Disney. He was so excited!

This weekend, Kayla was staying with is so we made a trip to the zoo for ZooLight Safari last night. It was bitter cold, especially riding the Pneumonia Express but we still had a great time. It is so awesome to still get to spend time with my Kayla-Bug!

Today, I'm blogging 4 months of photos... I'll skip those photos though. I'm still in my jammies!